Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to draw a hand - A step by step guide

Hey world! This is a part 2 lesson for my old drawing lesson on How to draw a hand - Clenched fist and open palm. Today's drawing lesson is going to be a more of a step by step guide for drawing hands. You will learn exactly how to approach this subject. This lesson will include explanations of the human hand's anatomy, what are...

Friday, May 10, 2013

How to draw a Ferrari Enzo!!

Yo yo yo! Today's drawing lesson is going to be a part two, for my first lesson on how to draw a ferrari 355 F1. This time we will learn how to draw the Ferrari Enzo, which is... well... AWESOME! So lets jump right into it. The Ferrari I will be drawing, will be facing away from us, turned a bit to the side....