How to Draw a COOL Snowcat! Hey there everyone! Here is a new video of Liron teaching how to draw an awesome snowcat. Enjoy!...
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Hey there! So I was gone for a loooooong time, and I wanted to update you on some of the things that are going on! As some of you know (but most of you do not know), I am on a long trip in South America, that began at October 2013, and will end at the end of February 2014. Since I am on...
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Hey there everyone! So after so much work, and pouring my heart into my book, and publishing it, and marketing it..... It will soon GO FREE!! So here is the deal... My new eBook: "Draw IN Perspective By This Weekend - For The Extreme Beginner", will be up on Amazon for free, during the following time window: Beginning time: This Saturday (14 of September),...
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Hey guys! I kind of owe you an apology, I haven't posted in a while. The reason for this is that I was literally hijacked to do a new project. I decided to write an Ebook, and to have it done withing a month! And boy, I only missed the schedule by 3 days.. Here is what it looks like: Whenever I get a...
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Hey world! On today's drawing lesson you will learn how to draw this fish, and fish in general! This is the third lesson on my "Super Simple Series"! You can find more information and lessons from this series here: Super Simple Series (link will open in new window). This lesson will be divided differently: 1. A detailed how to draw fish lesson. 2. An...
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Hey people! In today's drawing lesson you will learn how to draw a Butterfly! This is the second lesson on my "Super Simple Series"! You can find the first one here: How to draw a Lion - Step by step. Read THIS post to learn more about SSSeries. Also, I've added an archive, including All of my drawing lessons. Feel free to check those...
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Hey people of the world!! Today I want to inform you of some changes I'm making, and to present to you..... The Super Simple Series! I feel like my drawing lessons are really in depth, and full of quality information. I do however want to try something a bit different. I wanted to make a series of lessons that will be good not only...
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Hey world! In this drawing lesson, you will learn how to draw clothes and folds! The lesson will be built in a way that will allow you to build a good understanding of the basics, and to continue learning and improving on your own! Before we begin with the drawing lesson itself, let me make something clear. Drawing folds and clothing is SUPER easy!...
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